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Heinz Mayo is that you?

Posted by aalabels on February 10, 2014
Heinz Mayo is that you?

Rewind to 2011. I was out shopping for some Heinz Mayonnaise (who does not love a spoonful of mayo in their sandwich) and had to look twice when I reached the aisle. Was this the right Heinz Mayonnaise that I had bought for years? […]

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Posted in: Labels

5 Ways to Use QR Codes in Your Marketing

Posted by aalabels on January 27, 2014
5 Ways to Use QR Codes in Your Marketing

Ask most people what they think of QR codes and you may get an answer like I got when I asked my friends ? they look good, but in practice they use them very little (if ever) But is this because the manufacturer or advertiser has failed to use a code in the correct manner or for the correct purpose? […]

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Posted in: Marketing

Labels: Fashionable vs Traditional Design

Posted by aalabels on January 20, 2014
Labels: Fashionable vs Traditional Design

Labels are not always a luxury; they are often there for a reason. Labels hold the key to facts about how to use items or how much they weigh. They hold barcode numbers, or give us the sell by date of foods. […]

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Posted in: Labels

Packaging Symbols and Their Meaning Take this 12 Question Quiz

There are hundreds of packaging symbols found on our everyday household goods, ranging from washing powder to make-up. These icons are essentially there to keep the user safe from harm and to stop spillages, improper storage or accidents from happening. Some are voluntary symbols but some are set out […]

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Posted in: Packaging

5 Free Marketing Ideas for Your Next Trade Show

Posted by aalabels on December 23, 2013
5 Free Marketing Ideas for Your Next Trade Show

In terms of marketing budgets, participating at a trade show or exhibition is probably the single most expensive item in the yearly calendar. Especially if this is your first trade show, and you have little experience in exhibiting, it can be a daunting (and time consuming) task to organise, with little support. […]

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Posted in: Marketing

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We take pride in our service standards for all customer enquiries and orders. Our reputation for service is built on quality, a comprehensive product range and fast order fulfilment times, along with the combined experience and knowledge of our customer care team. If you need assistance or help regarding the most suitable choice of label, packaging, or promotional item for your application, please contact our customer care team, via the live-chat facility on the page, our website contact form, telephone, or email and they will be happy to discuss your requirements.

AA Labels
01733 588390 08:00 - 17:00